We are thrilled for our customers (and a little bit proud for ourselves too) to learn that all eleven of our submissions for the 17th Annual Graphics Excellence Awards were honored.
We’re judged against our peers, by a panel of out-of-state experts, on the bases of technical quality and print execution.
Organized by the Great Lakes Graphics Association, a combination of three Divisions of Printing Industries of America Associations, PIA of Wisconsin, PIA of Illinois, and PIA of Indiana, the 2016 Awards were announced last week. Letterhead had submitted eleven candidates for consideration in the categories of Foil Stamping and Embossing/Debossing; Diecuts, Pop-Ups, Unique Folds, and Involvement Devices; and Cartons and Containers. The eleven awards came as three Certificates of Merit, six Awards of Excellence, and two Best of Division.
We’re pleased for our customers, and grateful for their confidence in choosing Letterhead Press for a role in the critical communication of their customer message.